Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The switch my cute but lazy ass finally made

I sadly read that the cliffnotes blogger is taking a break. I decided it might be the best time to switch over from tumblr. I want more reader interaction and I love the comments you guys leave on the other blogs. Starting now CafeFails is on here.


  1. Blogger is so much easier to use. You forgot to put up a submission email though. lol

  2. I love reading on this kind of forum better.

  3. Hopefully you post more than 504 shit. The Throne is getting boring as hell.

  4. Please NEVER post five oh whore's bullshit. The throne said they wouldn't when they first started doing it and then BAM - jenna show.

  5. I promise I won't make it all 504. You might see a random here or there if I happen to think I see it first but I'll let the other ladies stay up on that drama. I like watching CM fights and funny or stupid posts and that's what I'll stick with. My promise to you guys. Thanks for reading and this is why I switched from tumblr to get more input like this!
